Module 5

Self-assessment exercise - United Nations human rights bodies


  • Read the list of 5 United Nations bodies below.
  • Determine which are the 3 most important Charter-based bodies for enforcing human rights.
  • Consult the answers.

United Nations bodies


  • The UN Security Council small green checkmark
    Yes. Though it only acts in the most serious cases.
  • The UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) small green checkmark
    No. Though some UN human rights bodies report to ECOSOC, it does not play a major role in human rights issues.
  • The Human Rights Council small green checkmark
    Yes. The key UN human rights body, reports to the UN General Assembly.
  • The UN General Assembly small green checkmark
    Yes. Oversees the work of the Human Rights Council, approves new human rights standards, and may criticize individual countries
  • The United Nations Commission on Human Rights small green checkmark
    No. The Commission was replaced by the UN Human Rights Council in 2006